Private Notes – How To Use It

If you love taking notes and noting down ideas and want to keep them private, then you can use private notes. In old times people used to create sticky notes to savor their experiences. These private notes have been around for the past few years. They are great, discreet, and conveniently don’t have to spend more money on it. You can create a note in a pinch, which can be handily re-used for at least 30 days. The information in the private note will be stored for 30 days.
The purpose of the private note is to replace your sticky notes, whether in a personal or business capacity. Also, it looks and feels better than the cheap little pads you used in old times. Here are the steps you can follow for using the private note.
1. Select Private Notes
A box will open when you open the private note site. You can create your note there. Then, if you want to save it, you can. There is an email box where you can paste the recipient’s email address and directly send it. Also, there will be an option for destroying the message. That is why your message and information are safe in private notes.
2. Write Down Quick List Of Information
The quality of your private notes will depend on how much information you give them. The information you jot down is compared to how much detail you go into when writing them. Most people like to take extensive pictures, while others prefer to make shortlists. Some people make it with a single word instead of writing long paragraphs everywhere they go.
3. Add the private note And Save
When you are done, tap the message icon at the top right of your screen. This will open a pop-up window where you can send or save your note. You can also add someone else to private notes with a person icon at the bottom of the pop-up window.